Pokey LaFarge: Pokey LaFarge

Pokey LaFargePokey LaFarge (Third Man, 6/4/13)

Few things warm the soul like old-fashioned Americana — the kind of finger-picking, Charleston-shuffling ditties that Pokey LaFargedelivers on his newest, self-titled record. Saddle shoes shined, suspenders tightened, and Homburg tilted cheekily to the side, LaFarge reaches back to the Depression-era Midwest for inspiration.

The sound he reproduces is infectious and accurate, with the bounce and twang of tracks like “Central Time” begging for a blow-along on any empty jugs lying around. The absence of crackles, hisses, and pops is the only thing that separates the album from a vintage 78 RPM listening experience, and even then you’ll always expect to hear the needle dropping at the start of each track.